Quality and Safety
Quality assured and reliable, Macquarie Electric lead the way in the professional electrical industry. Through consistent and developed training, we abide to our number one value of safety. Our team are committed to strict, safe practices whilst also committing to zero harm whilst in the workplace or worksite.
Level 2 Authorised Service Provider
Macquarie Electric is a Level 2 Authorised Service Provider, meaning our team is qualified to carry out installations, repairs and maintenance work on service lines that run between a property (both business and residential) and the electrical supply network.
Management systems - ISO Certification
MQE Group Pty Ltd, in conjunction with Macquarie Electric Pty Ltd and Macquarie Electric Contracting Pty Ltd have implemented a formal Business Management System to ensure the effective and efficient operations of the Group. The system starts with our mission to provide safe, quality and sustainable electrical work practices and be the main electrical service provider of all turn-key solutions in the industry.
We work in a high-risk industry and we want all staff, contractors and stakeholders to be safe at work and return home safe from work. We want to provide a quality product and service to our customer so that they return to our business and we can maintain strong customer relationships and we want our work to be sustainable into the future.
MQE Group is here to stay, continually improve, to shift and mould to be a generational electrical company for years to come. In order to realise these objectives, MQE Group has established and maintains a documented Business Management System utilising the requirements of the following:
ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
Through the implementation, maintenance and improvement of this system, MQE Group is positioned to reach the goal that we have set out in our mission statement.